I cant believe its been so long since my last post. Im sure my followers didnt know what to do :)
Its been a busy time, with school and me trying to find a job, it slipped my mind. I am really trying to figure out a way to generate more followers. I added the link to Facebook but no dice, I guess I have to be Shaq, Ashton Kucher, or Lebron James to get big numbers lol. And Im not on Twitter, Im just not into that. In any event, we did have a meltdown last week. The schedule was moved around at school and there was crying at the end of the day. I started thinking about the mind of an autistic child. One little thing like a teacher being absent, a substitute or drs appt, or meeting, can throw a schedule in disarray, therefore, throwing the autistic child's day into an uproar. I just thought about how many times in our daily lives, that things change and we just go with the flow. All we can do is console them and try not to pull our hair out. Which would be a short pull for me :) today was actually a good day, and Math was good so we cant complain. We are still struggling a bit with History but we have till June...