Thursday, September 2, 2010


Today we had a rough afternoon. We went to the orientation for middle school and my boy had a meltdown. He is so concerned about middle school and he is taking it to the enth degree :( I guess his mind is working on overdrive worrying about middle school. He is anxious and nervous so in the next few days, we are going to have to do a lot of soothing and encouraging on this end as parents. This is one of the days were I really cant stand AUTISM. I dont normally like it but today is tough. Its like a kid shouldnt have to be so deathly afraid of social settings that they cry. Its sometimes hard to patient, when you've seen these episodes for nearly 12 years, but you have to be. You have to remember that its not their fault and not your fault that this behavior is happening. Thats sometimes is hard for me, I admit but we just handle it day by day, cause thats all you can do. Thank goodness for chocolate and wine. Until next time, friends....

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you have to face this. I know it's different but the other night Cooper had meltdown after meltdown - typical 2-yr old stuff - and I felt so helpless and like a failure. I was sad, angry, just so frustrated. Nothing I did made a difference until I sat and just cried and cried. Turns out that got his attention and he calmed down and began entertaining himself. Anyway, hang in there - you can do this and he will get through the transition and soon it'll be something else. xoxo
