Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Random Thoughts

I thank my high school pal Julie so much for her insight. She is a blessing and I am so glad she has re-entered my life, through the blog and Facebook. I read her comments and it is scary to admit that something may be "wrong"  with your child. No one wants the world to know that. I am still thinking about posting my blog info on Facebook since I have over 800 friends, and would love it if all of them would become followers :) I was sitting here thinking about my boy going to college. Will he be able to go? Will he be safe? Will he feel alone? I cant even imagine leaving him somewhere, anywhere, where I cannot get to him quickly, but then I think about me needing to let him go. He is somewhat independent, but he is still very much my baby (even though he is my oldest). Its a very very thin line, that I am treading, I know. It upsets me even to think about it. Ok, pull it together, you have at least 6 years before you freak out.


  1. Awww, I'm so glad we've reconnected after all these years. I understand the fears about there being something wrong and the feeling of discovering the fears have come true. My son was born premature by 5 weeks and he seemed perfect at first but weeks later we discovered he had severe GERD and the first year of his life was spent in and out of the hospital and the pediatrician's office...not to mention the severe sleep deprivation from him waking up every 60-90 minutes all night long. ugh. It was brutal and probably knocked my immune system into the gutter and then a year later I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. ugh. Going through these things made me wonder a lot about the future too, just as you are. Totally natural thing to do. But I love how you finish this post - by realizing that you're worrying about something that's far off into the future. Focusing on the here and now helps me stay calm and often I have to refocus on it to calm my nerves. It's a process. You're doing great. xoxo

  2. So am I! There is a reason we did, someone upstairs wanted us to! LOL. Sorry about Cooper, but he is gonna be fine and SO ARE YOU :) You have familt and friends that love you and we wont let you go :) thanks for all the comments and your help with this blog
